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Vani KannanDirector of Writing Across EmoryAssociate Teaching Professor
Vani Kannan completed her PhD in Composition and Cultural Rhetoric with a certificate in Women’s and Gender Studies at Syracuse University (2018). Prior to joining the faculty at Emory in 2023, Dr. Kannan served as Assistant Professor of English and director of Writing across the Curriculum at Lehman College, CUNY. Dr. Kannan’s research focuses on Asian/American rhetorics, community literacies, social-justice-oriented writing pedagogies, and multimodal/multigenre composition. Her articles have been published in a number of leading journals includingWomen’s Studies Quarterly, Enculturation, and Writers: Craft & Context. She received an ACLS Project Development Grant during the 2022-23 school year and served as scholar-in-residence at the Georgia State University Humanities Research Center.