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How to Declare an RWID Minor

How to Declare a Minor

Students are eligible to declare up to two concentrations in Emory College of Arts and Sciences although only one major is required. This means a student may declare one major, two majors, or a major and a minor.

To declare (or remove) a major or minor, complete the Declaration of Major Form.

Once you have submitted the form you will receive an email with directions to contact the appropriate academic department for next step information. Changes to your major/minor in OPUS will not occur until these steps have been completed.


Because we believe that all our students should have a designated person to whom they can turn for information/assistance, all students majoring or minoring in the department have an advisor with whom they are encouraged to consult. For now, Sarah Salter is advising all minors.

You can download the RWID Advising Checklist with the button in the right-hand sidebar.