Syllabus Information
Syllabus Template
This template is designed to help you construct your syllabus for CPLT 101 and ENGRD 101. The template provides a structure to follow as well as sample wording that you may use at your discretion. Please feel free to adapt this template (including design elements!) to your needs and the aims of your course. There are lots of interesting syllabi available from your peers at Emory and on the web from which you can recruit words.
Be aware that:
- You’re required to include a statement or information that addresses every topic in the template document.
- Your policies should help advance your learning outcomes. For example, if participation in class discussion and writing workshops is important for your outcomes, then you might want to explain how you’re going to assess student participation in these activities.
- Your syllabus is in essence a contract between you and your students. Be mindful of how you want a student to experience the course and the impression your syllabus makes. In grade-appeal cases, adjudicators will examine the policies outlined in your syllabus to help determine the outcome.
Additional (Optional) Policies
As with the required sections, you can adapt any/all of these policies as you see fit.
Respect for Diversity
I am firmly committed to diversity and equality in all areas of campus life. In this class, I will work to promote an anti-discriminatory environment where everyone feels safe and welcome. I recognize that discrimination can be direct or indirect and take place at both institutional and personal levels. I believe that such discrimination is unacceptable and I am committed to providing equality of opportunity for all by eliminating any and all discrimination, harassment, bullying, or victimization. The success of this policy relies on the support and understanding of everyone in this class. We all have a responsibility not to participate in or condone harassment or discrimination of any kind.
Class rosters are provided me with students’ legal names. I will gladly honor your request to address you by a name or gender pronoun of your choosing. Please advise me of this preference early in the semester so that I may make appropriate changes to my records.
Small Writings and Assignments
Keep up with these as they are assigned. They help prepare you for class, give you a direction to work, give you practice opportunities for writing, critical reading, and thinking. These assignments will be collected on the due date and NOT accepted late (again, unless we make a prior agreement). If you know you will be absent, you must hand in your assignment early.
Since we are composing multimodally throughout the course, you are encouraged to bring to class and operate laptops or tablets. I ask that you silence your (smart)phones before class and stow them during class. Using electronic technology for purposes other than class activities can distract your peers, and I will count you absent for the day if I find you doing so. If you are expecting an important phone call during class, please inform me before class and keep your phone on vibrate.
Public Nature of the Course
Please consider all writing for this class to be “public.” Part of becoming an effective writer is learning to appreciate the ideas and feedback of others. In this course, our purpose is to come together as a writing community. Avoid writing about topics that you wish to keep private or that you feel so strongly about that you are unwilling to listen to the perspectives of others.
Cooling-Off Period
When I return a graded assignment to you, I request that you read my comments about your work carefully and wait 24 hours before coming to speak with me about your grade. I have found that asking for this “cooling-off” period results in more productive discussions about graded work.
Content Advisory
In this course, we will read about and discuss difficult topics including but not limited to. If you would like advance notice to prepare yourself to approach these topics, please reach out to me to make arrangements. Any conversations of this nature will be held in the strictest confidence.